
Carl gustav jung autobiography
Carl gustav jung autobiography

A bourgeois elitist, who speculated on mythology and theological matters and had a contempt for group think.

carl gustav jung autobiography

It's a fascinating read, but also an exhausting one, given how awful of a person Jung sounds like, he is described as this tyrannical figure who abuses women, and lives a life leaching off the money of his wife in order to fund his religio-mystical endeavours.

carl gustav jung autobiography

It's a very damning biography and it intrigues me how the author could've spent so much researching the writings and life of a person a person he clearly found so deeply morally reprehensible. He paints a very negative picture of Jung as a misogynist, pessimist, anti-semite, racist-but-not-racist, fascist friendly, homophobe, pseudoscientific, unoriginal, literary obscurantist, and a glutton. At times he sounds like he is almost influenced by the Jungian doctrinal system.

carl gustav jung autobiography

He has deeply studied the Jungian concepts, probably better than I have. The author seems to have understood Jung's corpus quite well which I am pretty impressed by. I guess this book will have improved my vocabulary somewhat, perhaps. Propably the major criticism of the book, and it is also littered with French and Latin adages which I found very distressing to read and having to look up every second. There was a lot of archaic language, and I found myself having to check the definition every few pages. Priestley, Sunday Telegraph 'Like any true prophet or artist he extended the range of the human imagination. He is also one of Western Man's great liberators' J. he was a master physician of the soul in his insights, a profound sage in his conclusions. 'Jung's single-minded humility, his passion to unearth truth, is one of the loveliest impressions to emerge from this absorbing and many-sided book' The Times 'He was on a giant scale.

Carl gustav jung autobiography