
Batman Incorporated, Volume 1 by Grant Morrison
Batman Incorporated, Volume 1 by Grant Morrison

Batman Incorporated, Volume 1 by Grant Morrison Batman Incorporated, Volume 1 by Grant Morrison

I’d say he’s reminiscent of Frank Quitely-probably why he was chosen-and it’s everything you want in a comic. The quality is good, especially the texture and weight he adds to the page. Aside from some one-shot issues this is his first real gig as the main artist on a book. The art is done by Chris Burnham who is relatively new to the comics scene. To bring the vegetarian angle even further, Robin decides to denote one of the cows as part of the team. To open the book, Morrison has Batman and Robin chasing Goat Boy into a slaughterhouse a slaughterhouse where the cows are being poisoned by Leviathan. Talk about a pretty way to convey movement. All and all it’s a great balance of single issue excitement and overarching layouts of each plot. While this is going on, Batman and Robin are introduced, the relationship between Damien and Dick is recapped (apparently it was better thanthat of Bruce and Damien), and the state of Batman Inc. Sounds easy! Let me go get my baseball bat and claim the reward! Morrison takes it one step further though, by instilling a personality and making his side of the story very apparant. Morrison does just that here, this time with a sniper out to kill Robin. Typically this involves a fight with a bad guy who is vanquished by the end of the issue and not seen again in the following issues. But Is It Good?Ī common problem when writing comic books is introducing new exposition while keeping the single issue reader entertained. Morrison has said he’s going to put Batman through hell in Batman Incorporated. The question everybody has is whether the reboot has changed the series and the luster is gone, or if Morrison can take the reigns back. Finally, Morrison is back to continue the story. lasted eight issues in 2010 until it was thrown off its game due to the DC reboot. Batman Incorporated (Volume 1) and Batman Incorporated: Leviathan Strikes Issue #1 One Shot Issue are also known to be called Batman Incorporated Season 1 mainly by Writer Grant Morrison.Listen to the latest episode of our weekly comics podcast!īatman Inc.When Batman Incorpated (Volume 1) is collected in its Graphic Novel Hardcover Book it might feature the First 8 Issue of Batman Incorporated (Volume 1) along with The One Shot Issue as well.Even though Issues 9 and 10 have been canceled they will reappear again in the One Shot Issue Title Batman Incorporated: Leviathan Strikes. Before DC Comics does its Post FlashPoint Relaunch with all new #1 Issues apart of there New 52 DC Comic Books Batman Incorpated (Volume 1) was supposed to end with a grand total of 10 Issues but DC Comics changed it to instead be a grand total of 8 Issues.Batman Incorporated: Leviathan Strikes #1

Batman Incorporated, Volume 1 by Grant Morrison